Thought For Today: Your I Am Practice

Understand the power of I Am. Your I am.

For it is not you who speak, but it is the Spirit of your Father who speaks in you“. Matthew 10:20

You see, there is nothing that is not God or The Divine or whatever name you understand that Power that created the entire universe, you included, to be as it interprets through you.

This is by the very definition of God.

There can be nothing within the context of everything  that is not a part of the big and total IT. To believe otherwise is the function that arises from the mistaken perception of the ego, that tiny idea, a thought process which must understand itself to exist within the context of an illusion: that it is possible for it to be what God is not and therefore separation is real and has meaning.

Your I AM practice is therefore the way you channel the greatest Power that IS in the world.

The power is there. It is in form as you. It is going through you. It is coming back at you.

I love the idea of being a “seeker”. However, truth be told, there is nothing to find because there is nothing lost. But every time you search you affirm the egos’ perspective, not Gods’.
There is, though, a “seeking” that is effort at understanding how God is interpreting. That is very different from the idea that God is not there and therefore we have to go find Him, Her, It. 

That said,  there is everything to be and to have and that within the context of who you are in this world at this time…

Use your every I Am with wisdom and discretion.

Channel joyfully joy.

Channel abundantly abundance.
Channel lovingly love.